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A DB pension fund’s endgame refers to how the trustees and sponsors of the scheme decide how to deliver benefits to members in the long-term. This can mean transferring the scheme’s assets and liabilities to an insurer or superfund, o... Read more
When asked about their investment preferences, 37% said they would prefer UK investments if they generate comparable returns and a further 16% would prioritise UK investments even if they provided lower returns. The research highlight... Read more
The Vote Reporting Template was first produced in 2020 in response to new regulations requiring pension fund trustees to demonstrate how they are acting as effective stewards of their assets, including how they are using their voting ... Read more
A further five new members have also been selected to join from October 2025. Joining the Policy Board with immediate effect are Nest’s Philip Brown, Kent County Council’s Nick Buckland, Legal & General’s Colin Clarke, The People’s Pa... Read more
Almost every month I use this communication to tell you about the PLSA’s latest policy statements and lobbying activities, but I rarely say how we arrive at those positions. So, given the last few weeks have seen several meetings of o... Read more
I am sure you will have spotted that the Chancellor’s big speech on growth last week included – yet again – a prominent role for pensions. This time it was an announcement on DB surplus. As you would expect, our team is fully engaged ... Read more
The levy is paid by defined benefit schemes to fund the operation of the PPF, which was set up to protect pension members in the result of an employer insolvency. With more than £13bn in surplus, the PPF’s ability to withstand claims ... Read more
The key concerns include both potential unintended consequences for bereaved families, and a severe operational impact on pension schemes. The proposals, set to take effect in April 2027, aim to tighten the current IHT rules regarding... Read more
These are all objectives that the PLSA strongly supports. Further consolidation of pension assets is likely to bring efficiency and governance benefits that will lead to better outcomes for UK savers. However, we would highlight that ... Read more
48% of people know the process to change their pension contributions with their current employer, but 50% say they have never considered increasing their current workplace pension contributions. Almost three in ten say they don’t know... Read more