The Long Weekend - new film from NAPF to encourage pension saving
12 March 2010, Press Release
The NAPF has unveiled a new film to help employees understand how important it is to save for their future, and how their company pension scheme can be part of that.
The 15 minute film is aimed at the millions of employees who either have no pension saving or who might need to save more.
The Long Weekend will be available to employers to put on their intranet sites or to show to groups of employees. Companies will be offered the added benefit of having the film tailored to include information on their own scheme.
NAPF Chief Executive Joanne Segars said:
“ The Long Weekend provides a fun and fresh way for employers and trustees to explain the value of workplace saving to their employees.
“Our new film will help people catch the savings bug so that they have a better chance of a secure and enjoyable retirement. We
hope it will have a significant impact on people’s attitudes towards saving for retirement.”
The Long Weekend stars Vincent Franklin from TV’s The Office and The Thick of It .
The film comes as new research from the NAPF revealed that nearly three quarters of employees believe that being financially secure is the key to happiness in retirement, yet only one in three think they will have enough money to retire on. The film responds to this research, delivering straightforward messages about the need to save for retirement and ideas about how to do it. It has an optimistic theme, teaching employees that even saving a small amount can give them more options when they retire.
The Long Weekend is part of the NAPF’s ongoing PENSIONSFORCE service which provides free information to groups of employees in their workplace to encourage them to think about retirement.
For information on obtaining the film contact Frances Corbett on 020 7601 1716 or email
[email protected]
Journalists may view the film at here
. The film is available for journalists only and not for publication.
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