PLSA CEO to outline goals and highlight Association's policy work in ESG Conference address | PLSA
PLSA CEO to outline goals and highlight Association's policy work in ESG Conference address

PLSA CEO to outline goals and highlight Association's policy work in ESG Conference address

08 March 2022, Press Release

The Chief Executive of the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA), Julian Mund will use his opening statement at the organisation’s digital ESG Conference to outline the Association’s goals for the year ahead.

In his opening speech, Mr Mund will say that as the PLSA approaches its 100th anniversary in 2023, it has taken stock of its members’ needs and set five key strategic goals.

They are:

  • Improving pensions policy;
  • Engaging our members effectively;
  • Investing in our people and systems;
  • Maintaining our financial sustainability;
  • And bringing our industry together.

“Our work for PLSA members starts with our policy and advocacy – the work we do on your behalf to change the pensions world for the better and avoid the wrong kind of regulation that might change it for the worst,” Mr Mund will explain.

“It’s absolutely central to what the PLSA does and why we exist. And we’ll continue to lobby for the right policy and regulatory framework, producing thought leadership reports and PLSA policy initiatives to set out our vision.

“Earlier this year we set out our policy goals, and at the top of the list is championing a policy framework that means most people will have an adequate income in retirement.”

Mr Mund will also highlight that the PLSA’s ESG Conference is a great opportunity to bring the industry together to talk about ESG matters as well as highlighting some recent key landmarks.

“Over the last few years we’ve seen such a surge in desire to invest responsibly,” Mr Mund will state. We’ve also seen a surge in regulation and reporting. That’s why ESG has been the number one priority for many of our members for over a year. The PLSA is working over the long-term for the long-term future of our pensions, people and planet.

“We’ve seen the successful implementation of a large number of the policy recommendations from our Changing Climate report, which we published in late 2020.

“Last year we published Towards a Greener Future: Case Studies Drawn from the Pension Sector – which sets out what our members have learned on how to embrace green investing, including producing a first TCFD report.

“And since then, we’ve worked with the Investment Association and the Association of British Insurers on a new template to help schemes obtain the data they need for TCFD. Our work on the CTI and Implementation Statement templates proves that these tools help our members.

“We’ve also been working with the IA on a project to encourage good stewardship throughout the investment chain. And our voting guidelines, with their increased emphasis on ESG issues, as well as our research on social factors, continue to be influential.”

Speaking to the PLSA’s members, Mr Mund will state that the Association will continue to work with the industry and decision-makers in order to address current and future ESG matters as well as improving outcomes for pension schemes in other areas.

“Whatever your responsible investment aim, the PLSA is here and working on your behalf to help you achieve it,” Mr Mund will conclude.

“We’re improving pensions policy in this and many other areas across DC, DB and the LGPS.

“We’re bringing our industry together to help you combine your expertise to help everyone achieve a better income in retirement.”

A library of resources including guidance, case studies, Made Simple Guides, consultation responses and templates is available via the Responsible Investment Hub on the PLSA website.

Mark Smith, Senior PR Manager
020 7601 1726 | [email protected]

    Steven Kennedy, Senior PR Manager
    020 7601 1737 | 07713 073024 | [email protected]

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