PLSA comments on Department for Work and Pensions Taking Action on Climate Change consultation | PLSA
PLSA comments on Department for Work and Pensions Taking Action on Climate Change consultation

PLSA comments on Department for Work and Pensions Taking Action on Climate Change consultation

26 August 2020, Press Release

The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) comments on today’s launch of the Government’s consultation, ‘Taking action on climate risk: improving governance and reporting by occupational pension schemes.’


Joe Dabrowski, Head of DB, LGPS and Standards, PLSA, said: “Climate change poses a systemic risk to nearly every sector and every business. As part of a wider ‘Investing for Good’ policy programme, the PLSA is already exploring what can be done to help more pension funds invest further in a climate aware way.


“Having a clear and common framework across the pensions sector and financial services to report and assess climate investment risk is essential to manage the potential impact of climate change on scheme member outcomes. The PLSA was very pleased to contribute to the PCRIG guidance and looks forward to feeding in to this consultation.”


Mark Smith, Senior PR Manager
 020 7601 1726 |  [email protected]k

Steven Kennedy, PR Manager
 020 7601 1737 | 07713 073024 | [email protected]

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