Live conference web streaming this afternoon | PLSA
Live conference web streaming this afternoon

Live conference web streaming this afternoon

15 October 2015

If you’re unable to be in Manchester with us, you can view sessions this afternoon including Pensions Minister, Baroness Altmann and Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association CEO, Joanne Segars.

Register free for our live web streaming

14:00 - 14:55
Pensions, freedom and communication - question time
This session will explore how pension freedom is working six months on from the different perspectives of those involved at the coal face. The panel will reflect on the reality of implementing and communicating the reforms and offer opinions on the likely future developments in this area.


15:00 - 15:35
DC investment - a look into the future
With DC assets under management increasing quickly, what is the potential for DC schemes to invest in a wider range of asset classes? Will alternative asset classes start to come into scope and how will we deliver this to members?  


16:20 - 16:50
The new Pensions Minister, Baroness Altmann, sets out her vision for pensions


16:50 - 17:10
New times, new Association
The world of pensions and long-term savings is changing at unprecedented speed. Your Association is changing too. In this must-attend session the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association's Chief Executive, Joanne Segars, will set out how your Association will lead a changing industry and get in shape for the next 90 years


Jane Dawson

By Jane Dawson
Head of Publishing









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