Pension Attention

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Pension Attention


Pension Attention


Although more people than ever are saving into a workplace pension, many savers don’t engage with them. Pension Attention is here to tackle this, with an eye-catching national awareness campaign that urges you to Pay Your Pension Some Attention.

Despite previous efforts by the industry, government and money guidance bodies, over half struggle to find their pension information and only 20% are confident they’re saving enough for retirement. New measures such as Pensions Dashboards could make a difference and make it easier for savers to find information about their schemes.

But many people still face issues, including not regularly checking their pots or not being sure how much they need to save for retirement. Annual benefit statements often go unread, and other proposed plans, such as to contact all savers with coloured envelopes, presented prohibitive costs.

This is where Pension Attention comes in. 

Pay Your Pension Some Attention 

In 2022, the PLSA and the Association of British Insurers launched the Pay Your Pension Some Attention campaign to encourage people to reconnect with their pensions. The campaign aims to help savers: 

  • Feel good about having a pension 
  • Be sure their personal details are up to date 
  • Know what they have and might need. 

Breaking the mould 

To reach as many people as possible, including those the industry traditionally struggles to, the campaign places ads across social media and on video billboards at train stations across the UK, where the eye-catching colour scheme and celebrity ambassador draw attention. 

The campaign promotes simple messages and breaks down the process of engaging with pensions into small, easy steps. It has a different ambassador each year: 

The impact 

Our 2023 campaign statistics show that: 

  • 25% of people recalled seeing Pension Attention campaign news or advertising 
  • 85% acted after seeing the campaign  

Of those who acted:  

  • 51% logged into their own pension account   
  • 44% spoke to family or friends   
  • 40% looked for pension information elsewhere  

Get involved 

You can find more information about how to get involved, along with useful creative resources on the Pension Attention Resources page. 

The campaign has been made possible thanks to the generous support of our sponsors:

If you want to sponsor next year’s campaign or would like any information, please contact:
[email protected]  


Visit the Pension Attention campaign website