DB Master Trust Self-Certificates

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DB Master Trust Self-Certificates


The PLSA are pleased to host DB Master Trust Self-Certificates.

DB Master Trusts are a consolidation option for defined benefit pension schemes. Schemes of all sizes can be run well and offer value for money, but for those schemes that are interested in consolidation, we hope this new self-certification process will facilitate informed discussions for trustees and advisers. 

The DB Master Trust Self-Certificate is a new template in which DB Master Trusts can provide information – on a voluntary basis – on their structure, governance, operations, and on the process for joining and leaving the master trust.

While the self-certificate provides useful information about the DB Master Trust, it is important to note that they are not an assessment of the quality of the scheme, nor are they the only consolidation option available.

The template and guidance were both designed by the Defined Benefit Master Trusts working group, in order to raise awareness of DB Master Trusts as a consolidation option. The working group, led by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), also included Abrdn, Deloitte, Hymans Robertson, Mercer, the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, the Pensions Management Institute, Punter Southall, TPT and Travers Smith.

DB Master Trust Self-Certificates

For Defined Benefit Schemes to submit a Self-Certificate, a request for the template should be made by email to [email protected] and should include the following information: 

  • Confirmation of who will complete the Self-Certificate and their contact details (including email address); 
  • Proof of registration with HMRC (which should include the front page of a scheme’s HMRC report containing the scheme name and tax reference number); and
  • Proof of registration through documentation from The Pensions Regulator’s (TPR’s) exchange system.


Completed Self-Certificate for abrdn pensions master trust.





Completed Self-Certificate for Citrus Pension Plan.





Completed Self-Certificate for The Pensions Master Plan.





Completed Self-Certificate for Mercer DB Master Trust.





Completed Self-Certificate for TPT DB Mastertrust.




Guidance for Completing a DB Master Trust Self-Certificate

Designed by the Defined Benefit Master Trusts working group to accompany the self-certificate template, once it is received from the PLSA.





Questions in relation to DB Master Trust Self-Certificates should be raised with the DB Master Trusts themselves using the contact details on the front cover of Self-Certificates.

DB Master Trusts wishing to submit a Self-Certificate for hosting on this webpage should follow the instructions in the template Self-Certificate and Guidance included above, and send completed Self-Certificates to [email protected].

Please note: No other queries should be submitted to PLSA other than requests to host new Self-Certificates, or technical webpage queries if you are having difficulty downloading a Self-Certificate. PLSA’s role in relation to the DB Master Trust Self-Certificates is solely to host completed Self-Certificates on this webpage. PLSA are unable to answer questions about DB Master Trusts or Self-Certificates.


All information in contained in a Self-Certificate is provided by the entity shown on the front cover as having completed that Self-Certificate. No reliance should be placed on Self-Certificates and parties considering DB Master Trusts remain responsible for carrying out appropriate investigations, obtaining relevant information directly from relevant DB Master Trusts, and seeking appropriate professional advice in advance of making any decision. For the avoidance of doubt the Defined Benefit Master Trusts working group does not audit, verify or otherwise check the information presented in DB Master Trust Self-Certificates. 

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