Response consultation on changes to ONS products 2015

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Response consultation on changes to ONS products 2015

The Office for National Statistics has consulted on how its current products and statistical publications meet the needs of users.  This has the potential to effect key statistical publications on pensions – such as the wealth and assets survey and the occupational pensions survey.

Whilst the Association recognises that the Office for National Statistics (the ONS) is seeking to deliver operational efficiencies in the face of budget cuts, and make full use of the digital data revolution, we oppose any changes that impact upon the availability of pensions data. Specifically key datasets used extensively by the pensions industry may be made less readily available, or be stopped.

The Association welcomes any approach that the ONS will take to improve data quality – in particular the timeliness of statistical and data releases, and hopes that by investing in new technologies ONS will enable better access to data and metadata on its website.

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