NAPF workplace pensions survey – October 2013

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NAPF workplace pensions survey – October 2013

The NAPF Workplace Pension Survey tracks the opinions and attitudes of people in employment on pensions, and their expectations in retirement. Highlights from the October 2013 edition include:

  • 71% of respondents had access to a workplace pension and 73% of these were saving in to the scheme.
  • 12% of respondents who stated that they had been automatically enrolled in to a pension scheme chose to opt out.
  • Young people (18-24) currently saving in to a pension scheme were most likely to consider saving more in the future (88%).
  • Confidence in pensions has increased over the past year – with 44% of respondents stating that they were confident in pensions compared to other ways of saving.
  • 55% of respondents felt that their pension would not be enough to live on in retirement. Confidence increased with income, as 64% of those earning £41,450 felt that their pension would be enough.
  • 64% of respondents expected to work past State Pension Age to live comfortably in retirement.


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More about the NAPF workplace pensions survey