Hitting the Target: Consultation responses

In October 2017, the PLSA published a consultation: Hitting the Target: delivering better retirement outcomes. This consultation presented our assessment of public policy on retirement income provision and a series of proposals aimed at reforming public policy and industry practices to facilitate better retirement outcomes.
More than 100 stakeholders from over 50 different organisations took part in our consultation. We received 16 written consultation responses from organisations operating across the retirement savings industry. In addition to the written responses, the PLSA also sought feedback from relevant stakeholders through a series (eight) of expert roundtable events. The roundtable events covered (in chronological order) the following subjects: retirement income targets; equity release; working longer; pension tax relief; governance and value for money; engagement; and automatic enrolment.
This document outlines the principal findings from the written responses and the stakeholder events.
More on the Hitting the Target project