It’s all about People – how to recruit and retain talent

15 November | Policy insights webinar 

It’s all about People

How to recruit and retain talent

Policy Insights Webinars give you insight into the policy and lobbying work we do on your behalf. They are your opportunity to hear direct from the PLSA’s Policy and Advocacy team about the conversations they have with Ministers, Government officials and regulators, and to ask about other issues on the current agenda.

Staff recruitment and retention was one of the key issues highlighted in our recent report LGPS: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities and we’ll be delving further into it in this special webinar for our Local Authority Members. We will discuss how we can build on the report’s recommendations and help LGPS funds to find the staff they need in a fast-changing work environment. 

We will hear how a local authority has found ways to bring in junior staff within the pensions teams and hear first-hand from two graduate finance trainees. We’ll also hear from another how a new approach is being developed to set the course for a career in pensions.  

Our Head of DB, LGPS & Investment, Tiffany Tsang, will explain the wider findings from our comprehensive research project and we will also welcome Neil Mason, new Chair of the PLSA’s Local Authority Committee, who will share his thoughts on what is working well and where attention is needed.  

We look forward to you joining us to tackle one of the key challenges for LA funds today.

Johanna Smith

Entry to Work Recruitment Lead, People and Transformation, Essex County Council

Neil Mason

Member, PLSA Policy Board; Chair, PLSA LA Committee

Richard Sultana

Head of Pensions Administration, Worcestershire Pension Fund

Tiffany Tsang

Head of DB, LGPS and Investment, PLSA


If you have any questions about the webinar please contact Nikolina Hudi:
0207 601 1710  |   [email protected]

Key info


Tuesday 15 November 2022 
11:00 - 11:45 




Local Authority members