Helping members run their schemes September 2024 update | PLSA
Helping members run their schemes September 2024 update

Helping members run their schemes September 2024 update

10 September 2024, Blog

I know that many of you look to the PLSA for tools you can use in improving your schemes’ member communications. Last week’s launch of the 2024 Pay Your Pension Some Attention campaign was a good example of how we can help.

This year’s celebrity ambassadors - Reality TV star Gemma Collins and pensions expert Iona Bain (a regular speaker at PLSA conferences) - look like a winning combination and I am sure the materials provided for your use – video clips, social media assets and more – will be of real practical value as you shape your member communications over the next few months.

PLSA colleagues such as Joe Dabrowski and Mark Smith have worked very hard (with our colleagues at the ABI and elsewhere) to make all this happen and I know they would welcome your feedback. Why not have a look through the ‘PYPSA’ website and see how you can use it in your scheme?

I have put together a slightly less snazzy video showing how you can use another recent PLSA innovation – our new member-only website. This ensures that only paid-up PLSA members can get the briefings, updates and resources that your subscriptions fund (for which many thanks). It also provides opportunities to connect online with other PLSA members.

The video shows how it all works, and if I can do it, anyone can! So that’s another thing for you to investigate if you haven’t already done so.

Given we are now in the autumn, it’s time for a ‘heads-up’ that we will be writing to you in November to confirm your 2025 PLSA subscription and to remind you to inform us if you do not want to continue in membership. Look out for a formal email about this. Of course, if you want to discuss any aspect of your membership, then please contact me on [email protected].

Finally, I hope to see many of you at our Annual Conference in Liverpool in just over a month’s time. Bookings are going very well, but it’s not too late to register if you haven’t already done so. I hope to see you there.

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