Helping members run their schemes, July 2024 update | PLSA
Helping members run their schemes, July 2024 update

Helping members run their schemes, July 2024 update

02 July 2024

Agonising as it has been at times, I’ve been rather enjoying the General Election. The drama, the unexpected twists, the dark horses coming to the fore – it's been almost as good as the football.

The good news for those of you who are less ‘politico’ than me is that it’s almost all over. In a week’s time, we should know what the new Government looks like and – most probably – the identities of key Ministers in ‘pensions-facing’ roles at DWP, HM Treasury and DLUHC (or whatever new Departments we might have under a new administration).

The further good news is that there is a good chance these will be people we already know and who know something about us, because of the assiduous relationship-building our team has been doing with all parties. Our Head of Parliamentary and Stakeholder Affairs, Katy Little, spoke about this in our recent webinar on the manifestos. You can watch the recording or read the summary in our member-only area.

We also heard from our Deputy Director of Policy, Joe Dabrowski, about our First 100 Days paper, which sets out five priorities for the new administration. You can find it in our General Election Hub.

By the time of our next Policy Insights Webinar on New Ministers, New Policies? (11:00-11:45, 23 July) we’ll have heard the King’s Speech and a direction of travel should be emerging. Do please register and send me any questions in advance on [email protected].

One topic sure to become more prominent over the next year is Artificial Intelligence. The PLSA will be hosting two virtual roundtables on ‘Trustees and their use of AI’ on 10 July and 31 July, both at 13:00.

These will contribute to our work on a report or guide covering how trustees are using – or could use – AI. Topics could include everything from investments to member engagement to administration. Contact [email protected] if you or a colleague would like to attend.

Busy times ahead!

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